I created the Saint Agatha website because I wanted to let the festival know as to the Italians as to those who haven’t experienced it so far and also never heard of it.
There are often many of you, travelers and tourists, in the Sicily during the festival period but often is almost impossible to know about the festival even if you are just in one of the nearby cities. And I would love to change this, because the Saint Agatha festival is one of the most beautiful and fascinating things to see in Sicily.
The web site is nor religious nor purely folklorist as it’s not the festival itself. The festival, having it’s official parts and it it’s non official, often half illegal parts, is a unique mixture of religion, history, folklore and pure human creativity. It involves all the social classes, quarters, people of all the ages and genders.
You are invited to come and discover the winter Catania with it’s astonishing Saint Agatha festival and much more!
Viva Saint Agatha!